Warm Up
6 min AMRAP
- 4 strict ring pull-ups
- 8 ring swings
- 20 sec HS hold
- 10 power snatches @ 45/35
- 2 shuttle runs (down & back, see below)
Skill - 15 min block
Pick what you want to work on:
- muscle-ups, CTB, pull-ups, TTB
- HS hold, free HS hold, HS walk
- rope climb work (foot clasp)
- peg board
- double-unders
E2MOM 24 (2 rounds - 6 stations)
Work period - 1:45
Rest period - 0:15
1) row (meters)
2) 4 ring muscle-ups + max wall sit hold
(RX+ 6 ring muscle-ups)
3) power snatch @ 75/55
4) *3 shuttle runs + max plank hold
5) bike (miles)
6) 20 sec GHR hold + max burpees
*1 shuttle run = from rig, to rowers and back to rig (down & back)