Warm Up
6 min AMRAP
- 45 sec bike or row
- 6 power cleans @ 45/35
- 6 Russian box step-ups
- 6 strict sit-ups
- 5 x 5 power cleans (light-moderate)
*these will be touch and go reps for all 5. Keep the weight light to practice cycling the barbell.
9 min AMRAP
- 18 AKB swings @ 53/35
- 12 Russian box step-ups @ 45/35 (empty barbell)
- 6 strict TTB
Accessory - Core
9 min AMRAP (or remaining time)
- 15 GHDSU
- 15 Russian twists @ 20/14
- 30 sec side plank (each side)
- 45 sec suitcase farmers carry (p/arm)