Warm Up
3 rounds
- 3 of 3 push-ups
- 6 RDLs @ 45/35
- 8 box step-ups (alternating)
- 2 shuttle runs
- 4 x (8-15) ballistic push-ups
- 4 x 12 SL RDLs (6 each leg)
Conditioning - 16 min
Partner (teams of 2)
Part A - 8 min
- row 1800/1600 meters (as a team)
...while other partner is working on....
- 10 burpees
- 10 suitcase box step-ups
Part B - 8 min
- bike 2.5 miles (as a team)
....while other partner is working on...
- 10 deadlifts @ 135/95
- 2 shuttle runs (down & back = 1)
*rotated as needed between the row and the bike*