Warm Up
3 rounds
- 45 sec row/bike
- turf length walking lunge
- 3 of 3 position push-ups
- 10 singles + 10 dubs
2 rounds @ 3 min/station - 36 min total
work 2:45
transition 0:15
Station 1
- row (meters)
Station 2 - 3 min AMRAP
- 60ft front rack walking lunge @ 50/35 (one DB)
- 10 TTB
Station 3
* buy in...400m run (2 laps on track)
- then -
- max burpees (easy-moderate pace)
Station 4 - 3 min AMRAP
- 12 KB snatches @ 53/35 (6 p/arm, may be sub'd with hang DB snatch)
- 30 sec plank
Station 5
bike (miles)
Station 6 - 3 min AMRAP
- 30 double-unders
- 10 air squats