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Writer's picturecrossfitweld


Warm Up

6 min AMRAP

- 8 strict sit-ups

- 8 kip swings

- 10 curl & press (5 p/arm)

- 1/2 turf length butt kick

- 1/2 turf length high knees

- 1/2 turf length monster walk



- (5-10) strict TTB

- 30 sec HS hold

- 16 alt. Bicep curls (8 each arm)

- (10-15) GHDSU


For Time - cap end of class

- 10 Dball to shoulder @ 100/80

- 10 ring muscle ups

- 1 Hill loop run (3/4 mile run)

- 10 bar muscle-ups

- 5 Dball to shoulder @ 100/80

*RX+ 15 ring/bar muscle ups, weight vest while running the hill loop only, 150/100 Dball

**If you are doing the workout scaled with a pull-up and dip variation then the reps will be 15. Also, scaled options for the run will be available if necessary.

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