2 rounds
- 3 of 3 sec eccentric pull-ups
- 30 single-unders
- 3 inch worms
- 10 medball cleans
5 sets of…
- strict pull-ups (5-12 reps)
28 min of work (31 min total)
Station 1 (7 min)
- row (cal)
- 10 HR push-ups every 25 cal
Station 2
7 min AMRAP
- 50 dubs
- 25 KB swings @ 53/35
- 10 burpees
Station 3 (7 min)
- bike (cal)
- 5 strict chin-ups every 25 cal
Station 4
7 min AMRAP
- 25 medball cleans
- 15 TTB
- 10 ring rows
*1 min transition between each station