Warm Up
6 min AMRAP
- 10 SA DB strict press (5 p/arm)
- 5 box jumps
- 10 SA banded rows (5 p/arm)
- 2 wall walks
- 5 x 6 strict press
*all sets should be close in weight*
Conditioning (cap: end of class time)
For Quality - Not For Time (no scores will be taken)
4 rounds
- *20 SA DB rows (10 p/arm, select your weight)
- 10 box jumps @ 24/20 (RX+ @ 30/24)
- **12 HSPUs
*no bro reps. Back flat, no twist in the torso, full range of motion...show control.
**RX = 25s on both sides, RX+ = 25s+45s/25s+25s.