Warm Up
9 min AMRAP
- 200m jog (on track)
- 20 sec couch stretch (p/leg)
- 10 air squats
- 20 sec medball thoracic spine mobility with barbell
- 1 turf length DB or KB OH carry (p/arm)
EMOM 18 - low to moderate effort
- 10 supinated barbell rows (select weight)
- 45 sec row
- 10 air squats (hands behind head) + squat hold for remaining time
- 20 sec hollow hold + 20 sec superman hold
- 45 sec bike
- 30 sec HS hold (cumulative)
Extended Mobility - remain time
- pigeon stretch
- Jefferson curls
- low back stretches
- banded shoulder stretches
- banded hip and ankle mobility