Warm Up
6 min AMRAP
- 10 single-unders + 15 double unders
- 10 Russian KB swings
- 10 alternating box step-ups
- 10 deadlifts (increasing in weight, start @ 45/35)
EMOM (every 1:30) - 4 rounds, 12 min total
- *6 touch and go deadlifts (moderate weight)
- 8 bent over flys + 8 banded rows (4 p/arm)
*don't bounce the weight on the deadlifts. Work on fast but control cycling. don't work up to a weight you can't handle for 6 quick reps.
buy-in: 100 double-unders
- Russian KB swings @ 70/53 (Rx+ 80/62)
- *alternating box step-ups @ 50/35 @ 24"/20" (Rx+ 60/40)
*one DB, open standards