Warm Up
6 min AMRAP
- 1 min bike or row
- 6 kang squats
- 6 tempo push-up box jumps (controlled burpee)
- 6 ring rows
Partner Conditioning - 33 min total
Work: 10 minute
Transition: 1.5 minute
*1 partner will be on the rower, bike, or box step-ups until all the work is complete as a team. The other will be working through the AMRAP at the same time, switch as necessary. Once the row, bike or box step-ups are complete you may work through the AMRAP as a team splitting reps as necessary.
Part A) 10 min
*2500m/2200m row*
AMRAP of...
-25 Russian KB swings @ 70/53
-15 box jumps @ 24/20
-45 sec plank hold
Part B) 10 min
*4/3.5 mile bike*
AMRAP of...
- 15 Power snatch @ 75/55
- 20 GHDSU or medball sit-ups
- 2 rope climbs
Part C) 10 min
*100 alt. box step-ups @ 35/20 (1 DB) @ 24/20*
AMRAP of...
- 6 ring rows
- 12 push-ups
- 24 air squats