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  • Writer's picturecrossfitweld


Warm Up

6 min AMRAP

- 3 of 3 position push-ups

- 10 band pull aparts

- 5 push-ups

- 5 box jumps

- 8 KB swings


- 1 RM Bench Press

*you guys have been working hard this strength cycle. Let set some PRs!


Partner (teams of 2)

20 min AMRAP

- 30 cal row or bike (alternate)

- 30 ring rows (may be substituted with barbell body rows)

- 30 box jumps overs (full hip extension) @ 24/20

- 30 HR push-ups

- 30 KB swings @ 50/35

- 30 ring dips

*split reps/cal evenly between your partner*

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