Warm Up
3 Rounds
- 10 single unders + 15 double unders
- 8 kip swings
- 8 SA DB thrusters
- 6 russian box step-ups
- 4 strict TTB
Conditioning (29 min)
*The stations will not be scored. The "For Time" workout at the end is your score.
1 round - 4 min each station
Station 1
- row (cal)
Station 2 - AMRAP
- 30 dubs (or 45 singles)
- 10 TTB
- 30 sec plank
Station 3 - AMRAP
- 20 KB swings @ 53/35
- 20 air squats
- 20 sec HS hold
Station 4
- bike (cal)
Station 5 - AMRAP
- *16 russian box step-ups @ 45/35 (with empty barbell on back) 24"/20"
- 8 burpee box jumps (full hip extension at top) 24"/20"
* if balance is an issue can substitute for normal box step ups
- rest 3 min -
For Time (6 min cap)
- thrusters @ 115/75
- bar facing burpees