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Writer's picturecrossfitweld


Last Workout of 2018!!!

***5:30am will be the ONLY time today. No class January 1; back to normal schedule January 2. We will be adding the NOON class beginning January 2***


2 rounds:

-5 Strict Pull-ups

-10 Singles & 10 Dubs

-5 Cleans (45/35)

-3 of 3 Squats

-10 Hanging Knee Raises


For Time:

100 Dubs or 200 Singles

80 Ab-Mat Situps

60 Wallballs (20/14)

40 Box Jumps (24"/20")

20 Power Cleans (115/95)

10 Bar Muscle Ups or 10x 2 C2B Pullups & 2 Dips

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